Local Authorities - County/City Councils

ViClarity is a Risk, Compliance, Documentation and Internal Audit management solution that enables your organisation to effectively Identify, Monitor, Score and Report data in real-time. 

Our process is used daily in Local Authorities, enabling them to successfully integrate their Strategic Plans with their Risk Registers and Audit Activity.

ViClarity allows Local Authorities to automate all of these processes using one easy to navigate solution.

How ViClairty can help Local Authorities- County/City Councils

Reduces Costs

ViClarity is proven to reduce administrative costs associated with Risk & Compliance by up to 70%.

Increases efficiency

Through automation of paper based and spreadsheet activities, ViClarity reduces the time spent on manual processes by streamlining tasks and workflows. 

One Centralised Platform

Manage all of your departmental and directorate communication by incorporating multiple modules and workflows in one solution.

Real Time Reporting

Access to live, and dynamic reporting is available at all times through our one click reporting or sharable dashboard functionality.  

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